For Schools

Innovative Infinity aspires to expand to numerous educational institutions and aims to build a large community of future leaders across multiple countries.

Enriching extracurricular selection

Innovative Infinity provides opportunities for students to challenge themselves with practical exercises after school, ensuring the solidification of knowledge and further learning that is captivating but effective nonetheless. Whether your school already has a business club or not, we guarantee bringing a unique and beneficial value to your school!

Showcasing excellence

By introducing Innovative Infinity into your school, students can express their interests in their field and demonstrate the skills that they have acquired through competitions or projects involving the real market. The achievements of the club at your school are going to be a valuable criterion to assess the prestige of the school, boosting its reputation. Unlock your students' potential together with Innovative Infinity!


At Innovative Infinity, students build a wide network with other schools, and the club will occasionally host cross-school events where students from different schools join together and compete or collaborate. This offers great opportunities for your school to know about other schools and for other schools to know yours! We see multiple benefits as a result of a network that spans that widely.

Continuous learning

Although main school activities may occupy time, especially during weekdays, students can still participate in our club through online means. If your school sees time limitations as obstacles for students to start or join Innovative Infinity at your campus, we have a solution, and students can operate or participate in the club entirely online. Time is no longer holding your students back from excelling!

Discover your potential!

Whether you aspire to become an entrepreneur, an artist, an engineer, a doctor, a linguist, a young leader, or a community-focused individual, Innovative Infinity is excited to welcome you!

Our team listens to your goals and provides a supportive environment where you can innovate, lead, communicate, and bring your ideas to life.