Sales & marketing

Job description


1. Find new media to market products
2. Find/create new feasible products to sell
3. Acquire information about the best-selling products from the Finance department
4. Create marketing posts weekly about products
5. Organize sales activities
6. Support project members in terms of marketing and market research
7. Track customer satistfaction of products through surveys
8. Do sales kiosks during holidays at certain schools
9. Allow businesses to sell their products on our website - support mini-project (more information at 'Projects') members


Person specification


Here are useful personality traits, skills, and experience levels to join the department. You:
1. Are confident in language abilities to promote products
2. Are accustomed to using many social media platforms
3. Understand customer mindset about a product and know how to write posts targeting those mindsets
4. Have experience with market research
5. Have a passion for art/photography/videography
6. Want experience with sales and/or marketing




Here are the benefits of joining the Sales & Marketing department, you:
1. Build a real sales experience through selling actual products
2. Better understand customer mindsets
3. Hone marketing skills through written posts, pitching to potential customers, and expanding current customer range.
4. Build collaborative skillsets between the marketing research, sales, and media (photography and videography) teams
5. Learn about market research through developing and researching potential products
6. Know how to access the most viable market for a certain product


Discover your potential!

Whether you aspire to become an entrepreneur, an artist, an engineer, a doctor, a linguist, a young leader, or a community-focused individual, Innovative Infinity is excited to welcome you!

Our team listens to your goals and provides a supportive environment where you can innovate, lead, communicate, and bring your ideas to life.