Debate Showcase - World Scholar's Cup 2024 - Ho Chi Minh City - Regional Round

From an initial pool of 500 teams (each with 3 members), 8 students were selected after several rounds of competition to participate in this Debate Showcase. These 8 students were divided into two teams of four.

My team is pictured on the left, with me delivering the opening remarks.

The "Debate Scholar's Show" can use the following criteria to evaluate the participating students:

  • Knowledge: Assess the students' understanding and depth of knowledge regarding the topic being debated. Students should possess broad and deep knowledge to present logical and persuasive arguments.
  • Persuasive Skills: Evaluate the students' ability to convince the audience and judges by presenting arguments and providing sound evidence to support their viewpoints. Students should be able to use their voice, language, and gestures effectively to persuade.
  • Logic and Reasoning: Assess the students' logical reasoning skills in constructing arguments and rebuttals. Students should be capable of analyzing information logically and drawing accurate conclusions.
  • Flexible Thinking: Evaluate the students' ability to think flexibly and brainstorm new ideas, propose innovative solutions, and adapt to unexpected arguments.
  • Interaction and Attitude: Assess the students' ability to interact with opponents and the audience, as well as their professional and respectful demeanor throughout the debate.
  • Time and Pressure Management: Evaluate the students' ability to manage time and handle pressure during the debate. Students should be able to allocate their time effectively for presenting arguments and rebuttals.
  • Teamwork: Assess the students' ability to work effectively as a team, supporting each other's arguments and collaborating to present a cohesive case.

These criteria can help provide a comprehensive evaluation of the participants' abilities in the "Debate Scholar's Show" and determine the winners based on their skills and competence in discussion and debate. Fluency in English is a prerequisite.

Nguyen, Uy (Mike) Tuong

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