How we work

Group division

For each unit, students will form teams, and half of the teams will be part of the Practice group while the other half will be part of the Competition group.

The Practice group will still take part in sessions, where the content of the unit will be covered, but the teams will have a chance to try out the new concepts in a real business after the session. The Competition group, however, will have the choice to do a mini-project (where students innovate a solution to a problem of an external business), or solve a case study / entrepreneurial prompt, or both.

Whether you will be part of the Practice or Competition group will depend on the capacity of businesses which Innovative Infinity works with. If the capacity is not a problem, then groups will alternate between topics of a unit (each month).

Internal competition

For students who were placed in the Competition group and have chosen to do the case study / entrepreneurial prompt only, they will have time during and outside of sessions to innovate and develop their presentation/pitch as told by the case study / entrepreneurial prompt. After 2 to 3 weeks, when those presentations and pitches should have been completed, students can present/pitch their solutions to the Education department and Advisory board, and based on their team's performance, we will score the teams.

Winners are top scorers in these presentations/pitches and will be honored on the club's website. Multi-time winners will have a higher chance to be picked to do the project of the year (see 'Project' for more information), to enter an external competition, and/or to do the end-of-quarter presentation/pitch, where excellent teams can showcase their skills and where everyone can learn.

External Competition

Every quarter, Innovative Infinity will sign students' teams up for an external competition. Teams can be selected by the club (the chance of which a team is selected will be based on its performance in the internal competitions) or volunteered

We try our best to allocate a mentor to each team so that all teams can achieve their best performance. If delegates want the Education department to check their work, they can send the department a message/email after school.

Based on the result of the competitions, delegates will be honored on the club's website and will have higher chance of being selected for the project of the year (see 'Projects' for more information) or the end-of-quarter presentation/pitch

The choice of competition will be researched and determined by our Education department. However, if students have recommendations about the upcoming competitions, they may email us and we will consider their recommendations.

All members can take part in the External competition, whether they are part of the Competition or Practice group.


Every month, Innovative Infinity collaborates with small businesses who need assistance in accessing the market. This is an opportunity for students to solve a real business problem. Most businesses we collaborate with will be farmer organizations, which aligns well with our vision to create sustainability within business activities.

There will be many collaborations within a month, so we can allow many teams to sign up for those tasks. However, there is a limit to how many mini-projects we can hold, so the slot is limited!

The Practice Group

Innovative Infinity has access to a real business where we offer a playground for students to try out and apply the theoretical concepts that they learned during session into a real business situation. Similar to the Competition group, specifically those doing Internal competition presentations/pitches, your performance may affect your score and may be used as a criteria during the selection for the External competition.

Once students have completed their tasks for the Practice group, they can join watch the Competition group present their solutions and ideas during sessions or assist the teams part of the Competition group that are helping small businesses.

The word "Project" at Innovative Infinity can refer to many things.

Mini-project: these are part of the Competition group, where teams will assist small businesses access the market.

Project: these occur every month, and they include the activities of both the Competition and the Practice group: presentation/pitch, assisting small businesses, and practicing concepts in a real business.

Project of the year: these span a year, and they are longer projects intended to develop a real market in a real business through rigorous market research, marketing, and implementation. Innovative Infinity will raise funds through commission of the sales made from these projects.

And finally, the category 'Projects' on our website refers to all of the above.

Discover your potential!

Whether you aspire to become an entrepreneur, an artist, an engineer, a doctor, a linguist, a young leader, or a community-focused individual, Innovative Infinity is excited to welcome you!

Our team listens to your goals and provides a supportive environment where you can innovate, lead, communicate, and bring your ideas to life.